Car & Motorcycle

Do Not Let This Be You Without The Cover Of Insurance

According to a report compiled by the World Health Organization (WHO), there were 22,491 traffic fatalities in Thailand in 2018, According to the 2018 (road safety) Global Status Report, an average of 60 lives per day have been claimed, with no other ASEAN Nation having a higher fatality rate.

To drive without any kind of insurance is madness and reckless and whether you are the cause or victim of a motoring accident the costs can be grave.

In the case of a “your fault” accident the liabilities can stretch way beyond the cost of an auto repair and may result in criminal action in the event of death whilst driving uninsured.

In the event you are the victim in an accident with a non insured driver/motorcyclist – First Class insurance will protect you and your passengers and take care of all emergency treatment and services.
For peace of mind and immediate cover Contact Us Today